Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Taper Madness

Twas the week before the NYC Marathon and all through the house, Allison was supposed to be tapering. Just like a mouse?

First, I'd just like to say my thoughts go out to all those on the east coast impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Still waiting to hear from a few friends to make sure they are alright. I'm not sure if the marathon is still going to go down, but if it does, it will be a celebration of the resilience and strength of the greatest city! I'm still planning for a marathon, but will have to wait and hear the plan just like everyone else!

Anyways, yes, I'm trying my best to back off and taper! I think as runners, we all go a little crazy during taper time. I was browsing Pinterest the other day and found a lovely pin that pretty much outlined all the crazy I experience during taper. Let's see how I stack up!

Severe Germophobia
You better believe it. I am so paranoid of picking up a virus. My boss was sick a few weeks ago and I pretty much wiped down anything he had touched. Such a good employee. Yesterday I was feeling all sorts of worn out and under the weather. I made it my duty to rest as much as possible!

Phantom Aches and Pains
Check and check. My shins were hurting this weekend, probably from standing all day at the gym. I have since been wearing my favorite Pro Compression socks and they are feeling better. Nothing like that immediate fear you get when something new hurts, especially during marathon week!

Inability to Focus
Well, I pretty much always have an inability to focus. Currently, if you want to strike up a conversation with me, I will probably blurt out "I'm running the NYC Marathon this weekend!" in the middle of your first sentence. Sorry I'm not sorry. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Insomnia/Fitful Sleep
I have actually been so tired lately, I haven't had to worry about this one, yet! Let's hope that I stay a good sleeper through the end of the week!

Excessive Hand-Washing/Sanitizing
I think I washed my hands at work at least 10 times each day this weekend. Send lotion.

Uncontrollable Urge to Constantly Check the Weather Forecast
This one isn't tough because Hurricane Sandy coverage is all over the place. I'm trying to be empathetic towards those who have no power and are experiencing the worst of this storm. I have to admit, I am really hoping it gets cleaned up in time for the marathon, though! If everything is a go, it looks like Sunday will be a very nice day!

Heightened Sensitivity to Nearby Sneezing or Coughing
I wouldn't be surprised if I end up buying a sterile box to camp out in until Sunday. Checking amazon.com. Brb.

High Level of Excitability
"Oh no, you had a bad day at work today--BUT I"M RUNNING THE NYC MARATHON THIS WEEKEND!"

Heavy/Dead Legs
Not sure if my heavy legs the past two days are because I've been feeling a little under the weather, but I'm hoping it goes away so I can get in some fast striders this week!

Frequent Bouts of Self Doubt
Did I train enough? I stopped during some of my long runs to pee, did that ruin my training and am I ever going to beat 4 hours and OMG I'm never going to make it 26.2 miles!

Increased Anxiety
Not sure my anxiety levels could get much higher. But you'd better believe on top of taper, running the marathon, hoping my flight doesn't get cancelled, and that the marathon is still on despite the flooding and power outages due to Sandy, my anxiety levels are at an all time high! My extreme excitability does not help in this case.

Extreme Restlessness
Yesterday afternoon instead of getting some work done, I decided to roast every vegetable in my kitchen. Broccoli, brussel sprouts, green beans, sweet potatoes. I pretty much just can't sit still. Someone send some restraints.

Obsession with Race Details
I am not ashamed of the fact that I have both a spreadsheet with race information and a color-coded packing checklist. For me, this definitely helps relieve some of the anxiety that isn't under my control. I have also read about every NYC Marathon recap known to human-kind. Despite the fact that I've already run the race. 

Race Related Nightmares
I've only had one in which I forgot to pick up my race bib, showed up at the start line and they literally sent me on a plane back to Seattle. Let's hope that doesn't happen!

Any other taper crazies not mentioned here? I want to hear them!

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